Wednesday 29 August 2018

Quark Quark Express Keyboard Shortcuts

Below is a list of Quark Quark Express keyboard shortcuts. With KillerKeys, you can always have the shortcuts you want for practically any application right in front of you.  
Modifier KeyKeyDescription of shortcut
Alt  AApply
  EnterOk (or bordered button) enter
Alt  SSet button in tabs tab (in paragraph attributes dialog box)
Alt  Grave AccentCycle through layouts 
 Ctrl HyphenZoom out (not available when text content tool is selected)
Alt  HyphenProject window context menu
 Ctrl =Zoom in (not available when text content tool is selected) 
 Ctrl 0Any view to fit in window
Alt Ctrl 0Fit largest spread in window fit in window
 Ctrl 1Any view to actual size
  ShiftF10Active object context menu
  F2Display the usage dialog box (fonts pane)
  ShiftF2Display the pictures tab of the usage dialog box
  F3Minimize/maximize project window
  ShiftF3Fit spread in window
 Ctrl F6Cycle through project windows
 Ctrl ShiftVAccess view percentage field
 Ctrl ShiftSemicolon1 point
 Ctrl Shift\Size > other
 Ctrl ShiftCommaDecrease preset range 1 point
 Ctrl ShiftF9Previous font
 Ctrl F9Next font
Alt Ctrl ShiftMFont field in measurements palette
 Ctrl ShiftPeriodPreset range
Alt Ctrl ShiftPeriodIncrease preset range 1 point or %5
Alt Ctrl QSymbol font character
 Ctrl ShiftF3Display previous master page
  ShiftF4Display this page’s master page
 Ctrl ShiftF4Display next master page
  ShiftF4Display layout (when a master page is displayed)
 Ctrl JGo to page dialog box
 Ctrl ShiftHyphenApply negative/invert picture style 
 Ctrl Shift\Width > other
  Shift2Previous box page number character
 Ctrl 3Current page number character
 Ctrl 4Next box page number character
 Ctrl ASelect all
Alt  AAdd
 Ctrl CCopy
  ShiftEscapeForce redraw escape
 Ctrl FFind/change
Alt Ctrl FClose find/change
  ShiftF11Style sheets dialog box
 Ctrl ShiftF12Trapping pane (preferences dialog box)
  ShiftF12Colors dialog box 
 Ctrl ShiftHPicture halftone specifications dialog box
Alt Ctrl JH&js dialog box
Alt  LLook up
These shortcuts are just a sample of the shortcuts available for this application. KillerKeys includes the complete list of shortcuts and is updated automatically with each new release of software.

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