Wednesday 29 August 2018

Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts

Modifier KeyKeyDescription of shortcut
  ShiftDown ArrowDecreases the selected value by a large increment
Alt Ctrl ShiftFHighlight the font name field in the character panel
  ShiftUp ArrowIncrease the selected value by a large increment
  [Decrease size of blob brush
  ]Increase size of blob brush
  ShiftDSwitch through drawing modes
 Ctrl JJoin two or more paths. Must select paths first. 
Alt Ctrl ShiftJCreate corner or smooth join. Must select paths first. 
 Ctrl BPaste in back
 Ctrl FPaste in front
 Ctrl ICheck spelling
 Ctrl ShiftKColor settings
 Ctrl LNew Layer
 Ctrl ZUndo
 Ctrl ShiftZRedo
  ShiftMSelect the shape builder tool
 Ctrl ShiftEApply last effect
Alt Ctrl ShiftELast effect
 Ctrl F12Other Script
Alt Ctrl ShiftIFile info
 Ctrl NNew
 Ctrl ShiftNNew from template
 Ctrl OOpen
Alt Ctrl OBrowse in bridge
Alt Ctrl PDocument setup
 Ctrl PPrint
 Ctrl QExit
 Ctrl SSave
 Ctrl ShiftSSave as
Alt Ctrl SSave a copy
Alt Ctrl ShiftSSave for web and devices
 Ctrl WClose
 Ctrl CCopy
 Ctrl ShiftF11Symbols 
Alt Ctrl ShiftKKeyboard Shortcuts
 Ctrl KGeneral Preferences
Alt Ctrl ShiftSSave for Web & Devices
 Ctrl VPaste
Alt Ctrl ShiftVPaste on All Artboards
 Ctrl XCut
 Ctrl F10Show/hide stroke panel
 Ctrl ShiftF10Show/hide transparency panel
 Ctrl F11Show/hide attributes panel
 Ctrl ShiftF11Show/hide symbols panel
  F5Show/hide brushes panel
  ShiftF5Show/hide graphic styles panel
These shortcuts are just a sample of the shortcuts available for this application. KillerKeys includes the complete list of shortcuts and is updated automatically with each new release of software.

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